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时间:2025-02-15 08:52来源: 作者:admin 点击: 27 次
The Editorial Office of the Journal of Comparative Law is responsible for the editing and publishing of the Journal. Under the auspice of the Ministry

The Editorial Office of the Journal of Comparative Law is responsible for the editing and publishing of the Journal. Under the auspice of the Ministry of Education of P.R.C., the Journal is edited by the College of Comparative Law and published by the China University of Political Science and Law.

The Journal started its publication in January 1987 and its public circulation at home and aboard in 1993. It used to publish quarterly and turned to a bimonthly publication since 2003. It is an influential law journal in domestic legal scholarship field which has been included in the Nanjing University's Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI), the Peking University's Chinese Core Periodical Content Overview, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences' Chinese Humanities and Social Sciences Core Journal, and the China Law Society's China Legal Science Citation Index (CLSCI).

The Journal provides an open academic platform to publish articles focusing on comparative law with columns including Paper, Panel Discussion, Law and Politics Review, Civil Code Compilation, Dialogues between Humanities and Social Sciences and Legal Interpretation and Introduction. The former editors-in-chief of the Journal include leading scholars like professors DONG Panyu, PAN Handian, ZHANG Jinfan, LIAN Xisheng, ZHU Weijiu, MI Jian and GAO Xiang. The current editor-in-chief is Professor XIE Zhiyong from the College of Comparative Law. The present chairman of Board of Editors is Professor JIANG Ping, a Tenured Professor of the China University of Political Science and Law. 

Website of the Journal: https://bjfy.cbpt.cnki.net/WKC/WebPublication/index.aspx?mid=BJFY.

Editorial staff: DING Jielin (Director), SUN Haibo(Deputy Director), LIU Xin, XING Yanjing, NI Xinyu and HUANG Shuai.


Dr. DING Jielin

Director of the Editorial Office of the Journal of Comparative Law

Tel: +86-10-58908258

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