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欧博官网PACC Graduates Seize Seven Awards at HKICPA Qu

时间:2024-09-26 12:48来源: 作者:admin 点击: 20 次
Professional Accountancy (PACC) graduates from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School received seven awards at the HKICPA Qualific

Professional Accountancy (PACC) graduates from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School received seven awards at the HKICPA Qualification Programme (QP) Award Ceremony on 22 September 2018. They were recognized for their outstanding performances in the December 2017 and June 2018 sessions.

Graduates from the PACC programme seized 4 out of the 8 awards in the QP Examination June 2018 Session and 3 out of 11 awards in the December 2017 Session. One of the graduates also received the ICAEW Prize, which is awarded to the candidate with the highest aggregate score in the four modules of the QP examination. The awardees include:

June 2018 Session

Module D – Taxation: Chan Chi-kin

Silver Award (BDO Prize): Chow Chi-sing

Bronze Award: Samuel Ko Shuyin

ICAEW Prize: Chan Ka-kin

December 2017 Session

Module A – Financial Reporting: Stephanie Poon Wing-ka

Module C – Business Assurance: Stephanie Poon Wing-ka

Module D – Taxation: Lam Tin-shun

In addition to the awards, four PACC graduates were granted the QP Scholarship 2018. They are Candy Chan Sin-yi, Li Weidong, Clarence Lo Lok-yin, and Genie Yee Sye-ying. QP scholarships recognize academic merits and outstanding extra-curricular activities, serve as a new source of financial aid for deserving students and encourage top local accountancy graduates to pursue accountancy studies. Out of the 59 nominations received this year, the selection panel shortlisted 32 outstanding nominees for interviews and recommended awarding the scholarships to the top 20 students.

Dr. Edmund Wong and Mr. Eric Leung also attended the ceremony to congratulate the alumni with their remarkable performances. Dr. Wong shared, “All of us at the School of Accountancy are very proud of our PACC graduates’ achievements in the latest QP examination (June 2018) in which half of the QP awards go to our PACC graduates.” Mr. Leung added, “It is great to know that our graduates could apply what they learnt in our PACC programme and performed tremendously in the QP examinations.  I hope our graduates can keep on with an eagerness for knowledge throughout their lifelong learning journey.”

The HKICPA Qualification Programme is a comprehensive training programme that provides the knowledge and skills necessary to become a CPA. QP builds on an accounting degree and progresses to course work and examinations. Candidates will also participate in workshops that simulate issues they will face at work as a CPA. They will then go on to real-world experience, gained under the tutelage of a CPA, which prepares them to assume roles with greater responsibility.

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