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欧博娱乐CUHK Business School Wins the "KPMG Cup&q

时间:2024-09-25 22:37来源: 作者:admin 点击: 16 次
A team of CUHK Business School undergraduate students won the national champion at the 2016 “KPMG Cup” National Top Ten Invitational Busin

A team of CUHK Business School undergraduate students won the national champion at the 2016 “KPMG Cup” National Top Ten Invitational Business Case Competition on 5 March 2016. This is the second consecutive year that CUHK Business School’s team has won the competition.

A team of undergraduate students representing The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School won the national champion at the 2016 “KPMG Cup” National Top Ten Invitational Business Case Competition (KPMG Cup)2016年廈門大學 “畢馬威盃” 管理案例分析全國十強邀請賽)concluded at Xiamen University on 5 March 2016. This is the second consecutive year that CUHK Business School’s team has won the competition.

Professional Accountancy Programme (Global Accounting Stream) student Eric Yiu Ho-kui (Year 3), Global Business Studies Programme student Howard Suen Lok-ho (Year 2), Integrated Bachelor of Business Administration Programme student Jansen Wan Chun-yat (Year 2) and Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis Programme student Pinky Chiu Man-kei (Year 4) bested nine other teams from top universities throughout the Greater China region.

Starting from this year, the KPMG Cup has become part of the KPMG International Case Competition (KICC) which will be held from 11-14 April 2016 in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates. Taking home the national championship, the CUHK Business School team will represent the Greater China region to compete in Dubai next month. In addition, the winning team members are offered overseas internship opportunities by KPMG as part of the winning award.

“We are proud of Eric, Howard, Jansen and Pinky for winning one of the most rigorous case competitions in the country,” said Prof. Dennis Fan, Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies) of CUHK Business School. “It reflects the very high calibre of our students that we now have won the KPMG Cup two years in a row.”

Hosted by Xiamen University, with KPMG as the title sponsor, the KPMG Cup is an annual invitational business case competition that brings together undergraduates of 10 elite universities from Hong Kong, mainland China and Taiwan, including Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Nanjing University, Nankai University, National Chengchi University, Sun Yat-sen University, Xiamen University and Zhejiang University. CUHK Business School was invited to participate for the first time last year and has taken home the national title in all the years it has participated.

“Our students have demonstrated a strong academic background, excellent teamwork and professional presentation skills. Their outstanding performance has been unanimously recognised by the adjudicators and audience alike,” said Dr. Joyce Wang, Lecturer of School of Accountancy at CUHK Business School and the winning team’s advisor in the competition. “This case competition has also provided a good platform for students from different backgrounds to get to know each other. Our students fully enjoyed their communication with students from mainland China and Taiwan.”

Designed based on international tournament rules, the KPMG Cup requires student participants to analyse a business case within three hours and generate a formal report to provide solutions and conduct live presentations and defense. The competition aims to test participating teams’ capabilities in business case analysis, teamwork and communication skills.

(From left to right) Prof. Zili Zhuang, Associate Professor of School of Accountancy at CUHK Business School and one of adjudicators in the competition; Pinky Chiu Man Kei, Howard Suen Lok Ho, Jansen Wan Chun Yat, Eric Yiu Ho Kui and Dr. Joyce Wang, Lecturer of School of Accountancy at CUHK Business School

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