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Three GBS Freshmen Crowned Champion of Deloitte Cl

时间:2024-09-25 17:35来源: 作者:admin 点击: 61 次
A team of first-year university students seized the champion of U Shine Case Challenge 2015 on 14 November, 2015. A team of first-year university st

A team of first-year university students seized the champion of U Shine Case Challenge 2015 on 14 November, 2015.

A team of first-year university students seized the champion of U Shine Case Challenge 2015 on 14 November, 2015.

The winning team comprised three Global Business Studies (GBS) batch 12 students, including Chloe Chow, Liam Lo and Marco Po. The team was awarded a cash prize of HKD10,000 and job shadowing opportunities offered by Deloitte.

Organised by the Deloitte Club and sponsored by Deloitte Touche Tohmastsu, the U Shine Case Challenge aims at enhancing undergraduates’ understanding of the accounting profession and offering a platform to enrich students’ analytical, presentation and team-playing skills. Being the 5th year of the competition, over 300 teams participated in the first round of the competition and 10 teams were selected to enter the final round.

This edition of competition involves 3 different stages, namely executive summary writing, management presentation and on-the-spot crisis management. Participating students were asked to propose solutions for a virtual budget airline to make a breakthrough in its business.

The winning team comprised three GBS students, including Liam Lo (second from left), Chloe Chow (first from right) and Marco Po (second from right).

The winning team comprised three GBS students, including Liam Lo (second from left), Chloe Chow (second from right) and Marco Po (third from right).

By Marco Po

Po is a current student from the GBS Program at CUHK Business School.

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