目的是帮助各国政府、组织和个人快速便捷地获得创意、战略、联系人和专家与资料数据库,这些资源可用以激励人们并使其有能力采取气候变化方面的有效行动。 Its objective is to help governments, organizations and individuals gain rapid and easy access to ideas, strategies, contacts and a database of experts and materials that can be used to motivate and empower people to take effective action on climate change. UN-2
联系人信息的同步方法 Synchronization method of contacts information patents-wipo
研究所正致力于建立一个联系人网络,这些联系人是非洲国家有用的犯罪数据来源。 The Institute is working on a network of contacts that are useful sources of crime data in African countries. UN-2
而特派团综合工作队的领导人则可成为调停人在总部的日常联系人,这样可迅速联系到秘书处较高级别的支助人员以寻求敏感政治问题的答案。 The IMTF leader could, in turn, serve as the peacemaker's routine contact point at Headquarters, with rapid access to higher echelons of the Secretariat for answers to sensitive political queries MultiUn
本发明提出了一种基于地理位置信息的联系人提供方法,包括以下步骤:检测移动终端所处的当前地理位置信息;如果根据当前地理位置信息判断移动终端进入新的地域,则获取移动终端中的通讯录,其中,通讯录包括联系人和联系人对应的地理位置信息;以及在通讯录中获得地理位置信息属于新的地域中的联系人并提供至移动终端。 When a user arrives in a new area, the method enables a mobile terminal to automatically search an address list for a contact belonging to the new area. patents-wipo
因此,重要的是,那些负责方案运作的单位如果还没有这么做的话,就应明确确定人事/人力资源或业务部门的联系人,协助新录用的人,向他们提供实用的信息并帮助解决碰到的问题。 Therefore, it is important that those units responsible for the operation of the programmes, which have not yet done so, should clearly identify focal points in personnel/human resources or substantive departments, to assist new recruits with all practical information and problem solving MultiUn
在此方面,与会者提出若干具体要求,即:应在环境署内任命一位专门负责小岛屿发展中国家事务的联系人或协调员、以及应进一步详细订立生态系统资源和服务所具有的经济价值的方法。 In that regard, specific requests were made for the appointment of a focal point or coordinator for small island developing States within UNEP and for further elaboration of the methods of economic valuation of ecosystem resources and services MultiUn
应鼓励各会员国至少确定一名或多名联系人,由他们专门负责提供信息,以协助分析该国对联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法标准和规范适用问题的反应。 Each of the Member States should be encouraged to identify at least one contact person who could serve as a knowledgeable source for the analysis of the State’s response concerning the application of United Nations standards and norms in crime prevention and criminal justice. UN-2
粮农组织与SALB项目积极合作,合作方式是通过联系人和外地办事处收集新材料,以特别方式向项目协调员提供更新的材料。 FAO is actively cooperating in the SALB project by providing updated material to the project coordinator on an ad hoc basis as new material is collected through contacts and field offices MultiUn
鼓励东非各会员国指定联系人,以便围绕关于青年党的区域调查,与监察组进行协调和交流信息; Encourages Member States from East Africa to appoint focal points for the purpose of coordinating and exchanging information with the Monitoring Group on regional investigations into Al‐Shabaab; UN-2
他们商定,在定于 # 年 # 月 # 日在第比利斯举行下次正式会议之前,指定联系人进行磋商和筹备工作。 They agreed to appoint contact persons for consultations and preparatory work in the period until the next formal meeting, scheduled to take place in Tbilisi on # eptember MultiUn
发送电子邮件至 Jobvite 支持联系人,表明您希望为自己的帐号启用 SAML。 Send an email to your support contact at Jobvite to let them know you'd like to enable SAML on your account. support.google
发送电子邮件至 Fuze 支持联系人,表明您希望为自己的帐号启用 SAML。 Send an email to your support contact at Fuze to let them know you'd like to enable SAML on your account. support.google
本发明公开了一种网络通信系统中的联系人关系数据的建立方法和装置。 Disclosed are a method and a device for establishing contact relationship data in a network communication system. patents-wipo
b. 应鼓励在不同级别和不同领域交流信息和情报,包括建立数据库,指定联系人和在工作一级建立定期交流的机制。 Information and intelligence sharing in different levels and fields should be encouraged, including establishing data bases, appointing focal points and setting up mechanisms of regular exchange at the working level MultiUn
关于系统可用性及接入的信息已根据秘书处目前的数据库发送给所有官方联系人,并以电子形式向各缔约方发送了关于报告提交截止日期的提醒通知。 Information on the system availability and access had been sent to all official contact points based on the current database of the Secretariat and reminders of the submission deadline had been sent to parties electronically. UN-2
密码系统插件将导出选中的超级联系人的密钥。 如果地址簿里没有现成的条目连接指向超级联系人, 系统会创建一个 。 Cryptography plugin will export keys for the chosen meta-contacts. If no address book entry has been linked to each meta-contact, one will be created KDE40.1
平均每月向不断增多的媒体联系人(目前超过 # 个)发出 # 至 # 条媒体提示信息,提醒记者注意他们可能想报道的与跨文化的问题,并提供准备对这些问题发表评论的专家姓名。 On average, three or four media blasts a month were sent to a constantly growing list of media contacts (currently over # ) to alert journalists about intercultural issues they might want to cover and offering names of experts prepared to comment on those issues MultiUn
为增强媒体专业工作者以包容性方式制作媒体的能力,该方案的在线资源中心存有一个欧洲联系人数据库,其中包含欧洲各地450多名媒体专业工作者的信息。 In order to enhance the capacities of media professionals to develop an inclusive approach to media production, the programme’s online resource centre hosts the European contact database, which contains information on more than 450 media professionals in various parts of Europe. UN-2
实施全秘书处统一信息系统,包括电子内容管理系统和一个联系人关系管理系统 electronic content management system and a contacts relationship management system UN-2
秘书处应定期更新裁军事务厅网站上登载的联系人信息和信息小册子; The Secretariat should regularly update the contact information and the information booklet available on the website of the Office for Disarmament Affairs; UN-2
他强调有必要让贸发会议负担专家经费问题的联系人参与进来进一步探讨这一问题,并建议将这一问题列入即将召开的贸发理事会常会的议程,以确定成员国希望如何着手解决这一长期未决的问题。 He underscored the need to explore this matter further with the involvement of the UNTCAD focal point on financing of experts and suggested that this issue be included in the agenda of the forthcoming regular session of the TDB with the objective of deciding how member States wished to proceed with the issue in order to find a solution to this long- standing problem MultiUn
您可以通知主要联系人您的电子邮件系统即将发生的更改,从而避免邮件退回造成的困扰。 You can avoid confusion over any bounced messages by letting your key contacts know about the upcoming change to your email system. support.google
该移动终端包括用于实现上述各步骤的第一、第二和第三处理模块。 本发明基于单次按键信息获得多种类型的查找结果,能够有效地提高对联系人信息进行查找的效率。 In the present invention, various types of lookup results are obtained based on single key information, and the efficiency for looking up contact information can be effectively improved. patents-wipo
本发明提供了一种终端,包括:状态信息获取单元,根据预设时间段获取联系人列表中每个联系人的状态信息;状态信息解析单元,解析每个联系人的状态信息,以判断每个联系人中任一联系人的状态信息,与每个联系人中的至少一个其他联系人的状态信息中是否存在相关联的内容;群组划分单元,在存在相关联的内容的情况下,将存在相关联的内容的状态信息对应的联系人作为关联联系人自动划分为一个群组。 本发明还提出了一种联系人分组方法。 Provided is a terminal, comprising: a state information acquisition unit, which is used for acquiring state information about each contact person in a contact person list according to a preset time period; a state information parsing unit, which is used for parsing the state information about each contact person, so as to judge whether the state information about any contact person of all the contact persons and the state information about at least one other contact person of all the contact persons have an associated content or not; and a group dividing unit, which is used for automatically dividing contact persons corresponding to the state information having the associated content, which are taken as relevant contact persons, into one group in the case where there is the associated content. (责任编辑:) |