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时间:2024-07-05 05:19来源: 作者:admin 点击: 105 次
HHBS strives to become a research-oriented business school in line with international standards, invests in cultivating teachers with overseas educati

HHBS strives to become a research-oriented business school in line with international standards, invests in cultivating teachers with overseas education experience, improves the teaching and academic research ability of the faculty of the college, especially helps key teachers to expand their international vision, familiarize themselves with the international development trend of business administration teaching, and track and grasp the international academic frontier of business administration in a timely manner, so as to improve the internationalization level of the business school as a whole and accelerate the realization of the strategic goal of building a first-class business school in our school. In addition, the goal is to increase the number of teachers who study abroad to more than 60% within three years. At present, more than 20 teachers are still conducting academic research overseas. Many of the faculty members have visited top international universities such as Duke University in the United States and the University of Alberta in Canada, conducted scientific research and participated in academic conferences. In addition, the college has set up comprehensive policies and measures to evaluate the research and participation of returned teachers in international conferences, paper publications, research projects and other scientific research achievements, learn world-class academic standards and procedures, and improve academic level and innovation ability. In addition to actively cultivating young backbone teachers to study abroad, the college also attaches great importance to the introduction of overseas distinguished professors, overseas excellent teachers for domestic teaching, administrative executives of multinational enterprises, and postdoctoral fellows from well-known overseas universities, so as to rapidly increase the number of teachers with international standards and build a team with international standards.


The Office of International Cooperation and Exchange assisted the school to participate in the Eduniversal Global 1000 Business Schools Rankings, and in the 2015 Eduniversal Global 1000 Best Business Schools Rankings, our school won two palm tree awards. Ranked 20th in East Asia for the MBA program (3 stars), 27th for the Master of Engineering program (3 stars) and 28th for the Master of Applied Economics program in East Asia (2 stars).

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