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LUMIX Sync is an app for Android/iOS devices to operate Panasonic digital cameras via wireless control. This app allows remote shooting of the camera...
Stay connected and secure with Life360, the ultimate friend and family locator and location-tracking app. Whether at home, online, or on the move, our...
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Signal is a messaging app with privacy at its core. It is free and easy to use, with strong end-to-end encryption that keeps your communication comple...
Nextdoor is in neighborhoods nationwide. Tap into your neighborhood with Nextdoor. Find recommendations for businesses near you, search Nextdoor Fi...
新华社布鲁塞尔7月11日电(记者张兆卿 丁英华)欧盟委员会11日宣布已同美国苹果公司达成和解,苹果承诺向竞争对手免费开放基于近场通信(NFC)技术的移动支付功能。相关承诺将具法律约束力,为期10年,适用于整个欧洲经济区。 2022年,欧盟委员会指控苹果公司限制第三方移动支付应用开发者使用NFC...