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‎APPatient on the App Store

时间:2024-07-03 20:57来源: 作者:admin 点击: 79 次
Welcome to APPatient™, the end-to-end patient engagement app created for Modernizing Medicine® patients and providers. APPatient™ is a mobile, fully-

Romanalucy , 04/03/2024

Skeptical at first, but no issues so far

I was skeptical about this app due to the abundance of recent negative reviews. After downloading the app and completing the registration myself, I can only conclude that the issues others experience are due to user error, incomplete setup of initial patient info by their doctor’s office, or incomplete instructions provided by their doctor. I had no issues with signup and login. All information that I had already provided to my doctor was available. My pharmacy on file with my doctor’s office was already set up for me. It was honestly a breeze. I haven’t had an opportunity to try any of the other features, but thought I would at least leave a positive comment on the signup process, as this seems to be the source of frustration from most of the reviews.

Developer Response ,

We're so happy you're enjoying; thank you for sharing.

Engineer David , 06/22/2023

Not as good as MyChart

My dermatologist uses the APPatient app while my family doctor, urologist, and orthopedic doctors all use MyChart. MyChart allows me to scan my insurance cards, and shows my vaccines, prescriptions, lab tests, etc. MyChart also links up to my fitbit, veriosync, and Withings accounts so it tracks my daily steps, weight, blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar. As you can see MyChart is a much more useful app than APPatient. I finished copying all of my prescriptions into APPatient. I selected my pharmacy Kroger in Marysville, OH and it showed the pharmacy location on Google maps but it was unable to save the pharmacy as my preferred pharmacy.
I had entered all of my prescriptions into APPatient. When I showed up for my appointment the receptionist had me fill out all of my prescriptions on a paper form. I asked her why the paper copy since I had entered all my prescriptions into the app. She said that none of my prescriptions were showing up. I opened the app and showed her that all my prescriptions were there. She claimed that the app rarely works. The dermatologist Dr. Koriann Reed also told me that the app is very poor. It only really works for billing. She agrees that MyChart is a much better app but her practice uses APPatient.

Developer Response ,

Thank you for your review. We are sorry to hear about your experience but really appreciate you bringing this issue to our attention.

OLee 2 , 06/08/2024

Works fine on my iPhone, tablet, etc.

My iPhone works fine on the Portal. I'm not sure where all the negative reviews are coming from.

When I originally opened the app, I found all my personal data to be there and it was correct. I had previously completed an online pre appointment questionnaire from my home computer, on my medical office site prior to my first visit. All the data transferred correctly. After the exam, the Portal contained all the doctor's exam notes, etc.

I signed up for the Portal after my first visit. And all seems to be working fine.

Developer Response ,

We value your feedback! Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review.

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