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欧博allbet‎Toca Boca World on the App Store

时间:2024-07-03 20:57来源: 作者:admin 点击: 71 次
Toca Boca World is a game with endless possibilities, where you can tell stories and decorate a whole world and fill it with characters you collect an

The long-awaited moment for Toca Boca fans has arrived. Toca Boca World, the newest edition to the popular series, brings together all the Toca Life apps, letting your beloved characters from different apps mingle in one beautiful world. And this unique world keeps growing: The app continually updates with new areas to explore and characters to meet.

carnavile set dum dum , 03/26/2022

Great game just a few things 👍

Hi TOCA boca! I love your game and I’ve been playing from 2020 to 2022 now, I love and I thinks it an awesome game, I’ve never had any problem with it until now, first off one day I was playing and I just got kicked out, it just automatically brought me back to my home screen without and warning, I went back in, and all my cloths I had collected and everything I had built was gone, the only thing that was still there was all the houses I had paid for and obviously bop city and everything. Also another error is when I try to make a new character on character creator, it deletes one of my others characters when I still have 20 more people to design.
One more thing is, whenever I move stuff to a new location, it freezes and I can no longer move or use it. That have to complain about, and I hope you can fix these things, but again I thing your game is ✨amazing✨
Just some ideas before I submit this. I would like to be able to play with friends on here, like have a button to play in houses while our friends are online a lot of my friends agree with me on this.
Another idea I have is to be able to make it rain and snow and stuff.
One more thing, I think it would be cool to have more free stuff a lot of people think the game is boring because they’re parents won’t let them get things with money on here or Thayer simply can’t afford it. Thank you reading my review and I’m obsessed with your game! Bye!!

fbhxeggvffr , 10/22/2022

I love it here’s a few ideas

Hi I absolutely love this game and I have a few ideas to make it EVEN BETTER!!! I’m also really into wolves and dragons so I think it would be super fun if you could make wolves and dragons apart of the game it would be super fun to play with but not just one or two dragons and wolves I mean whole bunch I role play with characters I created and they can like turn into wolves and dragons but I usually have to improvise I just really would like wolves and dragons in the game. I would also like it if you could make a pet creater like character creater but pets because it’s honestly really hard to find a pet that I really like and I just would really like to create my own and as many as I want and again with the wolves and dragons can you please make it possible wolves and dragons it would be soooo cool and in the pet creater you could also make horses, cats, birds, lizards etc. so please consider these ideas I really want y’all to make it it would be so awesome and I’m sure that other people would agree with me for a pet creater and for dragons and wolves so again please consider it and one more idea is making a monster creator or being able to put real ears and tail on our characters but like there can be multiple of different ears and tail also if you could make it possible for our characters to be fairy’s that would awesome I know you already have mermaids so why not fairy’s please and thank you for reading.

Developer Response ,

Hi there 👋

Don't miss the free weekly gifts in the Post Office and be sure to check out the new Home Designer tool which has been released! 🏡
Also, there is our animated series called Toca Life Stories which is available for free on youtube.com/tocaboca where we’re releasing a new episode every Saturday! 😊

✨ Toca Boca ✨

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