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时间:2025-01-09 18:04来源: 作者:admin 点击: 34 次

C*Core was founded in 2001 and listed on the STAR Market with the stock code: 688262.C*Core is committed to serving the secure, independent and controllable development strategy of the nation. Its business focuses on key areas such as information security,  automotive&industrial control, edge-computing&network communication, aiming to achieve the independence and controllability of domestic embedded CPU technology and chips. Currently, our chip and module products mainly focus on information security and automotive electronics.Information security products focus on "cloud" to "end" security applications, covering cloud computing, big data, internet of things, intelligent storage, industrial control and financial electronics and other key fields.While automotive electronics products focus on body, powertrain, chassis, auxiliary driving and intelligent cockpit and etc, covering key application such as BCM and gateway, powertrain&motor, domain control, new energy battery management, vehicle networking security, digital and analog mixed signal, dedicated DSP for active noise reduction, by-wire chassis, instrument and small node control, airbag, ADAS and intelligent sensor chips. 

After 22 years’ development, C*Core has always been following the principle of “international mainstream ISA compatibility and independent innovation.”  Based on “M*Core”,欧博allbetopen-source RISC-V and PowerPC architecture, the company stablishes a high-performance and low-power 32-bit RISC embedded CPU technology with independent intellectual property rights. The company has developed more than 40 embedded CPU cores in 8 major series, and established a reusable and easily expandable SoC chip design platform for key areas including information security, automotive &industrial control, edge-computing &network communication. This platform enables rapid development of multiple process nodes ranging from 0.25um to 12nm. The company specializes in independent design for embedded CPU microarchitecture, allowing customization based on specific requirements.

C*Core has undertaken major national projects, including“ Development and industrialization of High-performance Embedded CPU with Independent Intellectual Property Rights," "Embedded Memory IP Core Development and Application," "SoC chip's development and industrialization for dual-interface POS machines," " BCM Chip's Research and Industrial Application"  and "High-performance Processing Chip's Development and Validation for Smart Drive" and so on...

The company has been granted hundreds of authorized patents, copyrights for hundreds of software works, and the design layout for more than thirty integrated circuits.

In addition, the company has been honored with various accolades, including the Second Prize of“National Award for Science and Technology Progress“ by the State Council , the First Prize of“Award for Electronic Information Science and Technology” by Chinese Institute of Electronics, the Third Prize of “Award for Science and Technology Progress in Cryptography” by the Chinese Cryptographic Society, the Second Prize of “Award for Science and Technology Progress in Jiangsu Province”, the Third Prize of “Award for Science and Technology Progress” by Jiangsu Province”, the Third Prize of “Award for Science and Technology Progress” by the city of Tianjin”, the “Award for Innovation Technology and Product” by China Semiconductor Industry Association and so on...Meanwhile, the company serves as a council member of the National IC Design Services Technology Innovation Alliance, Vice Chairman of Jiangsu Province Integrated Circuit Industry Technology Innovation Alliance, and Chairman of Suzhou Semiconductor Industry Alliance.

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