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时间:2024-09-21 08:01来源: 作者:admin 点击: 17 次
From May 15th to 21st, 2019, the 35th Pan-Baltic University Games was held in Kaunas, Lithuania. The women's table tennis team of Jilin University was

From May 15th to 21st, 2019, the 35th Pan-Baltic University Games was held in Kaunas, Lithuania. The women's table tennis team of Jilin University was appointed by the China University Sports Association to represent China in the women's table tennis competition in this Games. As the coach, Du Kai from the Physical Education College led three students from the college, He Aige, Guo Ruichen and Wang Lanrui, to compete in the game.

Only team and singles competitions will be held in the table tennis event of this Games. On May 17th, local time, the team competition kicked off as the first event. Our women's teamfought all the way into the final and defeated the Lithuanian team with a score of 3:0, winning the women's table tennis team championship and the greatest honor for Chinese college students.

A total of 32 players participated in the women's singles competition on May 18th. The team carried on to fight. The three players got into the next round as the first in the group games. In the semifinals, He Aige and Guo Ruichen both defeated their opponents to enter the final. In the final round, Guo Ruichen defeated He Aige with the score of 3:1 to win the championship whereas He Aige won the runner-up. Wang Lanrui defeated the Lithuanian player with the score of 3:0 to get the third place. Finally, the gold, silver and bronze medals were all won over!

14 major events were held in this year's University Games, including volleyball, swimming, and table tennis, attracting more than 1,400 players and coaches from 6 countries including China, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Russia, and Lithuania. The Chinese university student delegation selected by the China University Sports Association sent a total of 61 players and coaches from 9 universities and units to the competition. Our women's table tennis team has lived up to the expectations, fulfilled its mission, registered a new record, and won honors forthe university and the motherland!

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