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欧博allbetGOG GALAXY 2.0

时间:2024-09-04 20:28来源: 作者:admin 点击: 10 次
GOG GALAXY 2.0 allows you to combine multiple game libraries into one and connect with your friends across all gaming platforms, consoles included!

What is GOG GALAXY 2.0 and why should I use it?

GOG GALAXY 2.0 is an application, thanks to which you’ll be able to combine multiple libraries into one and connect with your friends across all gaming platforms, consoles included. If your games and gaming buddies are scattered between different launchers and platforms, this is a solution for you! Keeping track of all achievements earned by you and your friends, hours played, and games owned across platforms has never been this easy. And the application is entirely free, all you need is a GOG account to use it.

How can I add my games to GOG GALAXY 2.0?

In GOG GALAXY 2.0 you’re adding games through official and community created integrations. By connecting platforms, the data about the games you own is automatically imported to the application. On top of that you are also able to manually add single games even if they are not connected to any platform.

Will GOG GALAXY 2.0 show all my games, or only those I have installed on my PC?

Yes, GOG GALAXY 2.0 will show all your games from connected PC and console platforms… even if they are not currently installed.

Do I still need to have other gaming clients installed on my PC?

Yes, if you want to get access to any features specific to that platform, e.g. installing or auto-updating games, cloud saves, etc.

Will I be able to customize my games library?

Yes, our goal is to provide you with the most options possible to customize your games library. In GOG GALAXY 2.0, you’ll be able to create your own views based on different filters available in the app, tags that you’ll create on your own, and search queries you’ll come up with. Mix and match all of those options to create countless library views. Once you do, save them for quick access and automatic synchronization. On top of that, you can also manually edit the metadata of every game in your master games collection.

How can I add my friends to GOG GALAXY 2.0?

Like with games, in GOG GALAXY 2.0 adding friends begins with connecting platforms. By doing so, you can find other GOG GALAXY users who are your friends on the platforms or social networks you have connected.
Additionally, you’ll be able to see non-GOG GALAXY users from friends lists of connected platforms – with an option to check their online status and chat with them cross-platform.

What kind of stats and activities will GOG GALAXY 2.0 show me?

You’ll see all your games from connected platforms together with your progress in each title – achievements you’ve earned and your game time. Also, for your GOG GALAXY friends, you’ll be able to see their online status and what games they are playing, with their achievements and time spent in each title.

Will GOG GALAXY 2.0 spy on my computer?

No. We’re not in the business of users’ data. GOG GALAXY 2.0 is only importing information from connected platforms – you always know what is imported through official integrations. Additionally we’ve made the community created integrations open-source, to ensure the transparency of imported data.

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