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时间:2024-06-15 10:14来源: 作者:admin 点击: 27 次
Nanjing Quanfu Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. is located at No. 39 Huatang Road, Honglan Town, Lishui District, Nanjing. At present, our company has st

Nanjing Quanfu Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. is located at No. 39 Huatang Road, Honglan Town, Lishui District, Nanjing. At present, our company has strong technical force and advanced production technology. It is mainly engaged in forging and processing products in the fields of auto parts, engineering machinery and rail transit. Die design, programming, finishing and other capabilities. Now it has four precision forging production lines of 1600T, 1000T and three friction presses of 630T, 400T, electric screw press production lines, and more than 80 technical backbones. The company undertakes various forging and processing of auto parts, engineering and transportation machinery parts, and construction machinery parts. Forging and product production. The company has passed the ISO9000 quality management system certification in 2011.

Our company is based on the forging processing industry at home and abroad with fine product quality, strong technical force and good corporate reputation. The products are exported to the United States, Japan, Canada, South Korea, Taiwan and Southeast Asia, and are trusted by users.

Welcome new and old customers to submit drawings, sample designs and order. Our company will sincerely cooperate with you on the basis of mutual benefit, and develop hand in hand to forge a brilliant tomorrow.

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