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CUHK Business School Admits Elite Students to Hong

时间:2024-09-25 17:38来源: 作者:admin 点击: 14 次
CUHK Business School has admitted outstanding students from the School’s Professional Accountancy Program to join the Global Accounting stream &

CUHK Business School has admitted outstanding students from the School’s Professional Accountancy Program to join the Global Accounting stream — the first of its kind in Hong Kong.

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School has admitted outstanding students from the School’s Professional Accountancy Programme (PACC) to join the Global Accounting (GA) stream — the first of its kind in Hong Kong. These high flyers will be trained to acquire a global mindset as well as in-depth knowledge in international accounting issues, which will help them take up leadership roles in the international accounting and business community.

This unique programme is backed by our alumni, the Big Four accounting firms — Deloitte, EY, KPMG and PwC, as well as corporate and financial advisory services firms, who have pledged support in the form of scholarships that will allow outstanding students of the GA stream to take a two-week study trip to Oxford in the UK. During the trip, the students will have the opportunity to gain international training experience. In addition, they will also be offered summer internship placements at the Big Four accounting firms in China, where they can gain valuable practical experience in a work environment outside of Hong Kong.

Dr. Alice Chui, Professional Accountancy Programme Director and Assistant Dean of CUHK Business School, said: “On behalf of CUHK Business School, I would like to express my gratitude to all our sponsors for supporting the Global Accounting stream. The GA stream could not have been offered without the staunch support of our alumni and the accounting industry. Their sponsorship has enabled us to fund the overseas study trip and work experience programmes, which are an integral part of the course.”

The new GA stream started with the 2012/13 academic year. Upon completion of their year-one studies within the four-year PACC programme, students will have an option to choose to study under the GA stream. This programme is designed to nurture students with strong international exposure, which will enable them to deal with accounting issues in the increasingly complex and inter-connected business world.

Commenting on PACC’s position as the prime vehicle for developing future business leaders, Dr. Alice Chui said: “CUHK has been offering the accounting programme for more than 40 years. It has nurtured thousands of leaders for the finance and accounting industries. Our graduates have gone from strength to strength. Their success is manifest in their consistently outstanding professional examination results. PACC Programme graduates have been awarded the Gold Award, the top award in the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ (HKICPA) Qualification Programme (QP), in the past four consecutive examination sessions in the past two years. Most notably, in the most recent QP examination, CUHK graduates seized all eight of the top awards. Our PACC graduates are also highly sought after by employers. Over the years, performance of PACC graduates has been highly commended by major accounting firms and large corporations. Last year, our graduates received an average of two offers each, with some receiving as many as five.

“The HKICPA’s QP is designed to train accountants to deal with business situations typical in international financial centers such as Hong Kong. The programme is built on a university education, and expands to include applications of accounting knowledge and professional skills in areas such as financial reporting, corporate financing, taxation, auditing and information management. Those who wish to be qualified as a certified public accountant in Hong Kong are required to complete the Institute’s QP and undergo structured practical training under an authorised employer or supervisor to gain relevant experience.

For Chinese version, please click here.

(From left to right) Samuel Yau, Global Accounting Stream Student; Sherry Chan, Global Accounting Stream Student; Dr. Alice Chui, Professional Accountancy Programme Director and Assistant Dean of CUHK Business School; Albert Ng, Chairman, China and Managing Partner, Greater China, EY; Dr. Edmund Wong, Global Accounting Stream Director, CUHK Business School

Global Accounting Stream Students Sherry Chan (left) and Samuel Yau

Dr. Edmund Wong, Global Accounting Stream Director (left) and Dr. Alice Chui, Professional Accountancy Programme Director and Assistant Dean, both from CUHK Business School

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