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欧博allbetCUHK EMBA Ranks 24th in Financial Times Ex

时间:2024-09-24 17:28来源: 作者:admin 点击: 12 次
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School’s Executive MBA Programme (EMBA) ranks 24th in the Financial Times Executive MBA Ranking 20

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School’s Executive MBA Programme (EMBA) ranks 24th in the Financial Times Executive MBA Ranking 2022 announced today, making its fifth consecutive year to be placed at the world’s top 30.

Among the world’s top 100 EMBA programmes, CUHK EMBA stays strong in the top place in Asia Pacific (third globally) in the “Career Progress Rank” which tracks the changes in our alumni’s seniority and the size of company they now work in, versus before their EMBA. Besides, the overall satisfaction score* rated by our alumni is averaged at 9.75 on a 10-point scale, being the third in Asia Pacific and forth globally.

“The ranking result is a testament of our effort in priming our EMBA students with transformative competencies to master their roles as senior executives. I would like to extend my gratitude to our faculty, staff, students and alumni for their immense support over the years,” said Prof. Lin Zhou, Dean of CUHK Business School. “2023 marks the 60th Anniversary of CUHK and the Business School, as well as the 30th anniversary of our EMBA programme. We look forward to connecting with students, alumni and teachers to celebrate the meaningful impact we have created, and will continue to create together.”

“We are pleased to have once again achieved outstanding results in alumni’s career progress and overall satisfaction in this year’s ranking. It speaks for our strength in equipping our students with the right skills to create remarkable impact valued by their organisations. We will continue to nurture top business talent through cutting-edge education that integrates Chinese Wisdom and Western Knowhow,” said Prof. Howard Lam, Director of EMBA Programme and Associate Professor of Practice in Marketing.

CUHK EMBA is structured around the “six pillars” (Theories, Practices, Internal Network, External Network, Strategic Perspectives and Social Contribution) that aims to enhance the well-being of the business community and society. Relevance and practicality are fundamental to the learning experience it delivers.

For more details, please click here to read the full results of the Financial Times Executive MBA Ranking 2022 and visit to learn more about CUHK EMBA.

*Notes: Data is for information only and is not used in the rankings’ calculation.

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