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MSc in Marketing – CUHK Business School

时间:2024-06-12 04:54来源: 作者:admin 点击: 32 次
Prof. Xinyu Cao is Vice-Chancellor Associate Professor of Marketing at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School. Prior to that, she

Prof. Xinyu Cao is Vice-Chancellor Associate Professor of Marketing at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School. Prior to that, she was a Visiting Scholar at CUHK (2022-2023) and Assistant Professor of Marketing at New York University Stern School of Business (2018-2023). She received her Ph.D. in Management (with a concentration in Marketing) from MIT Sloan School of Management. She also holds a M.S. degree in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research from University of California Berkeley and a B.S. degree in Mathematics and Physics from Tsinghua University.

Prof. Cao’s research focuses on the area of quantitative marketing, with emphases on digital marketing, social media, platform management, and market research methodology. Her research works have appeared in Marketing Science, M&SOM, and Marketing Letters. She has won the John D.C. Little Award for the best marketing paper published in INFORMS journals, and also been a finalist for the Frank Bass Award for the best marketing thesis. She is on the editorial board for Marketing Science.

Teaching Areas

Social Media Analytics
Marketing Management
Marketing Strategy

Research Interests

Digital Marketing
Social Media
Platform Management
Market Research Methodology

Hong Kong RGC Grant, General Research Fund 2023-2024, HK $867,613, PI

CUHK Vice-Chancellor Early Career Professorship 2023-2029, HK $2,000,000, PI

MSI 2023 Young Scholars

ISMS Early Career Scholars Camp Fellow, 2022

MIT Sloan Doctoral Research Forum, Faculty Fellow, 2022

INFORMS John D. C. Little Award, Winner, 2021

INFORMS Frank M. Bass Award, Finalist, 2021

AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Faculty Fellow, NYU, 2019

Faculty Development Forum Fellow, Washington University in St. Louis, 2019

Marketing Science, 2022-Present

Editorial Review Board: Marketing Science, 2022-Present

Referee: Marketing Science, Management Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, Production and Operations Management, Information System Research

41st Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Advisory Committee, 2019

CUHK Marketing PhD Program Coordinator (quant side), 2023-Present

CUHK Marketing PhD Committee, 2023-Present

Member of the Faculty Sub-committee of Survey and Behavioral Research Ethics (SBRE), CUHK, 2023-Present

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