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‎Pexels on the App Store

时间:2024-12-21 15:49来源: 作者:admin 点击: 90 次
The Pexels app gives you unlimited access to over 3 million free, high-resolution photos and videos. Our beautiful library is donated by a global comm

sahil bowani , 06/11/2022

Not works in ios 12.5.5 !! Please help 🥺

This app won’t opens in my iPhone 6 with 12.5 iOS version please fix this problem I really need this app for uploading my stock photos and videos . Web page is also doesn’t loads in iphone 6 .i have to use my friend’s device to upload my content on pexels. But i’m giving you 5 stars because pexels is better than others and free to download

ejnox , 05/09/2024

Quality photo but Poor search result & Buggy app

I really like what Pexels offer both photographers and viewers. But Pexels app for iPad is terrible for a few things: 1) Download is broken as of May 2024; 2) Search results are not comprehensive & when you search for more than one word, the result shows contents of one or the other keyword, never both, despite being very generic keywords (ex. summer night) or using + between keywords; 3) Suboptimal UX - If you do searches one after another, you have to back out of *every single search results page* before you can get back to the homepage. Also, if you press a photographer to browse more of their contents via finding one of their works on general search result, then select another work of theirs from the photographer’s page and go back to browse more of that photographer’s page, it will just take you back to the general search content. This means you have to click on the photographer’s name AGAIN, go to their page AGAIN, then continue browsing.

frindshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii , 04/29/2023

Great app in all, but…

Pexels is an amazing app for people who need photos or videos for edits! I just got the app a few days ago and I am in LOVE!!! Until this happened…

So I have only downloaded a couple of videos and photos and now Pexles won’t let me download ANYTHING! It’s so frustrating and annoying!!! :( I thought this app would be amazing!!! (It is…) Please give me some feedback on how to fix this- or if y’all could just fix it. I can only download photos now but not videos! I love this app so much but it’s so aggravating when it never lets me download videos! I am a Pinterest creator who loves high quality horse content. If you have any intel on what’s going on, please respond. I hope this gets fixed soon because this app has SOOOO much amazing potential to be even BETTER than it already is. Please fix!!!

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