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欧博allbet‎Walmart: Shopping & Savings on the Ap

时间:2024-09-06 23:28来源: 作者:admin 点击: 111 次
Save money. Live better. The Walmart app is the easiest way to shop for everything on your list, including fresh groceries, household essentials, th

Walmart’s app lets you browse thousands of products, search for items that have recently gone on sale and even refill your prescriptions. But the savings catcher is pure genius: scan a receipt for any purchase made in the last seven days, and if a competitor in your area is advertising a lower price, Walmart automatically gives you the difference. It’s a fantastic, hassle-free way to save money without the need to shop around.

Lhuz , 06/07/2021

Beta app failure

Since the new beta app, this has been nothing but frustration. I am a frequent Walmart app user, for shipping purchases, grocery pickup, and in-store services. Things were MUCH better before. In the new app, there is no way to check out just a grocery pickup order or just have an order shipped. I often have things in my Walmart cart either accumulating for my next grocery pickup order or waiting until I have more things to purchase. With the new setup, I can’t place a grocery order without also checking out for everything else or vice versa place a shipping order without checking out my grocery pickup. In addition, once a grocery pickup order was placed I cannot find any way to add items to the order. The app says you can add items, but provides no clear way to do so like the previous version (and I did make sure the items I wanted were available for pickup). I ended up having to switch to the old app version, which has no record of my scheduled pickup, and try to accumulate enough to meet the minimum requirement to place a new order. Honestly, since the beta update this app has been nothing but frustration at every turn. Switching back to the old version isn’t the answer either, because that seems to have a bug that doesn’t let me check in for pickups. Please fix the app!!

jsknheubz , 09/19/2021

New Changes- Not Good

Ever since they combined grocery and retail it has been nothing but problems. Concept was good, execution is horrible. Navigation, menus, and lists are cumbersome and confusing. Before change, we were able use app under one account between my phone and wife’s, which allowed us to each create and edit our grocery list in unison. We both have the same iPhone, iOS version, and Walmart app version…. But neither app looks the same. Her app looks totally different than mine. I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling both, and logging out and back in. We can no longer create our list between phones, changes do not sync. Furthermore, we have a 50-50 shot of even getting our groceries. Seems our orders get stuck in limbo. Either “we are preparing your order” or “out for delivery” , but never arrives. Worst part is they put a charge hold on your bank account and it takes weeks and numerous calls for them to remove hold, which ties up our funds. I’m still waiting on our hold release from an order I never received on Labor Day, two weeks ago. My app still shows my order in progress and I can’t remove / delete the order. Every time I call their customer service on these issues, they just apologize and say the will fix it. I get that it’s a new world with covid. But, we didn’t have these issues the first several months of the outbreak. Seems our issues started when we forced to use the new App.

Developer Response ,

Thanks for sharing your experience with us. We’re sorry you’ve had issues while using the Walmart app. We’ve shared your experience with our App Development Team. They release new app features each week based on customer feedback like yours. Make sure you check for app updates regularly.

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