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Android Beta Program

时间:2024-08-12 09:43来源: 作者:admin 点击: 77 次
Android Beta Program allows you to enroll your Android device for beta releases.

Which devices are eligible?

If you’ve signed in to your Google Account on any eligible devices, they will appear on this page.

Any device you have hidden on Google Play won't appear on this page. You can check by going to play.google.com/settings.

Devices must be on a non-Developer Preview public stable build to enroll in the beta program.

How do I enroll in more than one Beta program at a time?

Your device eligibility and current build determine which program options are available for enrollment. Devices on a public stable build will see multiple program options to select from when more than one beta program is available.

You can enroll an eligible device in a single beta program. Once enrolled, you’ll see a status indicating which program the device is enrolled in. To enroll in multiple programs at the same time, you’ll need to enroll an additional eligible device. You cannot enroll a single device into multiple beta programs.

Important: You may experience issues enrolling in the beta program if your device is running a non-public stable build such as a Developer Preview build that does not match the platform version of the program you’re trying to enroll in. If you’re unable to enroll in the program or install the beta update, try to first download the public image on to your device before enrolling in the beta program.

How can I switch between beta programs?

Once you enroll a device, you’ll see a message indicating which program the device is enrolled in. If multiple programs are available and would like to switch between programs, you’ll first need to opt out your enrolled device before opting it into another program. You can skip installing the stable public version, as it will wipe your device. Once you select Opt out, you can immediately select the other program you wish to enroll in.

Important: If, after opting out, you only see one program option to enroll in, you will need to first apply the stable public version (will require a data wipe) in order to see multiple enrollment options. This only applies when more than one beta program is available.

to find the device you want to switch and click Opt out. Your device will receive an update within 24 hours that will wipe all user data and install the latest stable public version of Android. Once you install the public update, your device is ready to enroll in another beta program.

How long does each beta program last?

Enrolled devices will receive continuous beta updates including Quarterly Platform Releases (QPRs) followed by the next unreleased platform until you choose to unenroll your device from the program.

How long does it take to receive the update after opting in or out?

Updates aren’t always immediate and may take up to 24 hours to arrive. If it has been more than 24 hours, make sure your device is connected to the internet, and check for updates by going to Settings > System > System update.

How often will I receive beta updates?

You can expect to receive up to four updates automatically per month for each program you’re enrolled in. Note: You will not receive separate monthly security updates while enrolled in the program as they will be part of the beta build.

If you manually flashed to a beta build by downloading the image from developer.android.com, you won’t receive updates automatically unless that device is also opted-in to the Android Beta Program for Pixel through this site.

Important: Your device may get automatically removed from the beta program it is enrolled in and either get moved to the public release track or to another beta program track for the following reasons:

The enrolled device is running a beta build older than four months.

The device is running a beta build that does not match the platform version of the program it is enrolled in.

How do I verify that I’m running a beta version of Android?

Android Devices

For Android, there are two ways to do this:

Navigate to Settings > About Phone > Build number. If the build numbers start with UPB, U1B, AP11, AP21, AP31 you're running a beta version.

Restart your device. You will see a message informing you that your device is running a beta version of Android.

Important: Your device may get automatically removed from the beta program it is enrolled in and either get moved to the public release track or to another beta program track for the following reasons:

The enrolled device is running a beta build older than four months.

The device is running a beta build that does not match the platform version of the program it is enrolled in.

How do I get help with Android beta versions?

As this is a beta program, there are no official support channels available. Post your question on the Android Beta Reddit community and a fellow community member may assist you.

How can I opt out and return to a public Android release?

First, make sure you are running a of Android. to find the device you want to remove and click Opt out. Your device will receive an update within 24 hours that will wipe all user data and install the latest stable public version of Android. Applying the update to the latest stable public release requires wiping all locally saved data on your device. You may also encounter issues restoring a backup. You have the option to not install this update. If you choose not to install the update to the latest public build, and your device remains unenrolled from the program, you will automatically receive the next stable release update of the version you’re beta testing when it becomes available to the public. It may take up to 3-4 months to receive the update depending on when during the Beta program cycle you opted out. If you apply the final public release of the beta version you are testing, your device will not get wiped.

Note: During the beta program’s release cycle, there will be stable releases to the public (the official platform release followed by Quarterly Platform Releases (QPRs)). When you apply the stable release update for the version you’re beta testing, you can opt out without a data wipe for a limited time until you apply the next beta update.

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