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欧博allbet‎App Store 上的“TikTok”

时间:2024-06-03 19:56来源: 作者:admin 点击: 111 次
TikTok is THE destination for mobile videos. On TikTok, short-form videos are exciting, spontaneous, and genuine. Whether you’re a sports fanatic, a p

callmeagentd ,欧博allbet 2022/04/30

Tik tok is the best social media app period!!!

Tik tok is so authentic to the point that it started to make Instagram look bad. Everyone on Instagram always tries to be perfect and fit into society so they can be accepted and not feel alone or like a misfit. Whereas TikTok shows the REAL side. People looking however they looking. Saying whatever they feeling with out out it becoming an unsafe social environment(aka bullying etc). It’s a safe place for me to have fun laugh and share the joy with my family and friends. additionally it’s even more informative than any other social media platform for example at first I was a little confused about what is going on between Ukraine and Russia and Instagram mislead me into thinking America was going into war with Russia through memes, videos etc however I was able to learn more than I ever did through 30 second accurate and precise tik tok videos and even help my friends understand better and correct any misconceptions. I feel as though social media needs more of the real side to people instead of creating a false narrative of what we as regular human beings should abide by in order to be considered apart of the norm I can only speak for myself but I feel as though a lot of people would relate Peace and love


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Z-Phoric ,欧博百家乐 2023/12/21

Tik Tok went down hill.

I’ve used this app for 3 years now, and I can tell you that the algorithm has gradually became so stagnant. But that’s the way the developers want it, and I’ll explain. You post a video, you will get a couple hundred views, and about a guaranteed 10% likes. The algorithm is pushing your content to people that don’t care to see what you post. They want us to use hashtags, and many have millions of views, but we only get a couple hundred at best? They’re purposely hold you back unless you pay yo promote your videos. I would if I was promoting product, for marketing reasons. It’s turning into a shopping app, rather than what it started out as. The algorithm based off your likes and content you want to see also gets stagnant. You will see the same things over and over, like one video, they shove a creator in your face a few more times within 10 videos.. it’s just odd. You can’t quite discover new or be discovered like you use to. I also love the hypocrisy of their “community guidelines”.. if you tell someone to go F themselves, because they’re bullying you and saying mean things. Hurtful things. It doesn’t matter. If they report you first their provocation leading up to them crying and reporting me, is justified, allowed, and protected. This has happened a few times. Bullying is allowed on this app. Don’t be fooled. My time on this app is most likely going to end soon. It’s becoming like the rest. A boring, growth stunting, cesspool.

enhpad13 2021/12/15

The app is astounding, but...

I love TikTok; it is one of my favorite apps. However, TikTok randomly asked me to confirm my age, for some reason (which wouldn’t normally bother me because I had already confirmed it before), so I confirmed my age. I put in my real date of birth (I’m 13 years old) and TikTok made my account private, made it to where people are unable to duet, stitch, or download my videos, and I can neither send nor receive messages. I completely understand that TikTok doesn’t want young children to get access to the app and post videos with their face or make unintelligent choices, but I have not done anything against TikTok’s policies or spread any negative energy. I am unable to send videos and messages to my friends or receive videos and messages from my friends. This has also happened to one of my old friends; someone reported him for being under the age limit (he is 13 years old) and TikTok private’s his account. I completely understand if you want people who are 13 years of age or younger to have privacy and not share personal information, but it doesn’t make sense that there are only some people (around 13 years old) that are being forced to have their accounts private’s when others do not also have to go through this. Thank you for taking the time to read this (I will change my star-rating to a 5/5 stars if this issue is fixed).


We are sorry you had this experience. Thank you for taking time to reach out to us. Please provide more details using the Report a Problem feature within the Settings and Privacy section of your mobile app or web browser so our team can help resolve this issue for you.

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