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‎Google on the App Store

时间:2024-06-02 03:04来源: 作者:admin 点击: 92 次
The Google app keeps you in the know about things that matter to you. Find quick answers, explore your interests and stay up to date with Discover. Ch

FluRuRuRiZe , 10/02/2023

Current layout change

Google is a great app to use, the only recent problem I (personally) have is the current change to how the tabs have been changed to be similar to a temporary tab(?). Like, for example, if I wanted to go back to a different page entirely but it is supposed to be still in the same tab, I am just unable to do so and I need to go all the way back ( if that makes sense). I would prefer the old layout back where I can both easily go back to a previous page (on the same tab) and also type in the search section at the top of the tab (which is another thing that I have a problem with). If there were a way to change tabs layout without having to de-update the app, that would be really good.

But besides that, google is a pretty good app to go on.

your dads mistress , 02/08/2023

Okay, but very slow

ive been using the google app since 2017, great app, ive watched it go through many updates. but the past two years it has gotten frustratingly worse. mainly its speed overall. sometimes articles just wont load at all, often my searches wont go through until i close and reopen the app, annoying. its come to a point where i really only use this app for quick short questions that dont require opening a link, or to find a web page then reopen it in safari, because the browser in the app is just far too slow and buggy. it wont save half the pages i’ve previously gone to in my history. the only reason i stay on this app is for the personalised web articles which i really enjoy and is personalised very well. if they took away the list of articles on the home page i would leave in a heartbeat, its really the only good feature of the app. oh and along with googling pictures without it being a full hassle, very handy! if the speed problems get fixed i would definitely go back to using this full time and abandoning safari, but at this rate it seems ill be stuck with a bit of both because this app just has not gotten any better over the past two years. maybe its just because its on my iphone XR, but due to other apps running smoothly, im leaning towards that is not the answer.

Wow, a lovely automated response, with a link not even relevant to what im saying. taking away another star.

Developer Response ,

Thank you for using Google App. If your app has issues, please try the app fix steps from here: https://goo.gle/3iCARLu. If you continue experiencing issues with this, please submit a feedback report: Open Google App > tap top right profile picture or initial > Help & feedback > Send feedback, this will help us ensure that this gets reviewed by the right team. Appreciate it!

William😀 , 09/02/2023

So amazing!

Google is simply amazing! I have been a loyal user of their products for years now and I must say, I am thoroughly impressed by all the different features they offer. From searching the web to getting directions, to storing my files and photos, to staying connected with my friends and colleagues through Gmail, Google has got it all.

One of my favorite things about Google is their ability to constantly improve and innovate their products. They never seem to settle for the status quo and are always coming up with new and exciting ways to make our lives easier. Additionally, the user interface is sleek, modern and user-friendly, making it easy for anyone to use.

Another thing I appreciate about Google is their commitment to privacy and security. I have full trust in their systems and know that my personal information is in good hands.

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