故障检查 检查归档同步情况一、查看数据库的情况 select database_role,flashback_on,open_mode,current_scn from v$database DATABASE_ROLE FLASHBACK_ON OPEN_MODE CURRENT_SCN ---------------- ------------------ -------------------- --------------- PHYSICAL STANDBY NO READ ONLY WITH APPLY 16657544972059 二、查看归档的最大线程与最大接收的归档情况。 select thread#,max(sequence#) from v$archived_log group by thread#; 生产库: SQL> select thread#,max(sequence#) from v$archived_log group by thread#; THREAD# MAX(SEQUENCE#) ---------- -------------- 1 136973 2 132693 4 149599 3 133277 --DG库 SYS@hisnewdb> select thread#,max(sequence#) from v$archived_log group by thread#; THREAD# MAX(SEQUENCE#) ---------- -------------- 1 136973 2 132693 4 149598 3 133277 可见4个节点归档是都有会过来的,欧博sequence都能对得上。 三、查是否存在GAP select * from v$archived_gap; 日志应用情况查看延时的应用情况 select name ,value,time_computed from v$dataguard_stats where rownum<33; NAME VALUE TIME_COMPUTED -------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ transport lag +11 06:41:27 03/04/2021 16:41:20 apply lag +11 06:41:27 03/04/2021 16:41:20 apply finish time +00 04:23:39.868 03/04/2021 16:41:20 estimated startup time 37 03/04/2021 16:41:20 可看到apply lag的应用已经延时11天6小时了。 apply finish time应用最快的恢复时长为4小时。 恢复思路 应用日志alter database recover managed standby databse cancel; --取消应用日志 alter database open read only; --打开只读库 alter database recover managed standby ; alter database recover managed standby disconnect from session; -- 后台应用,建议上面命令,放前台应用。 归档还保留或者GAP较少的情况1)归档还在主库 方法一: 首先通过备库sql查出相应的 node[thread#] 和归档位置 name: 传输上面文件到备库归档位置 archive log list 备库上注册归档文件alter database register logfile '归档文件绝对路径' 或rman注册日志catalog start with ''; 应用日志,查看select * from V$ARCHIVE_GAP;,监视是否还存在其它的GAP出现。如出现,如上面步骤循环操作。 方法二: 在配置 fal_client=备库的监听和falserver={主库的监听} 直接应用日志,由备库寻找日志。 2)归档已在备库 应用日志 归档已经被删除或GAP较多的情况查看归档所在的位置 alert.log日志: 提供等thread 线程4的序列为148164的归档,获取的序号有148164-148165 control_keep_record_keep_time是控制文件的重用记录数据。提示在这个记录天数内没找到归档文件,欧博娱乐建议设置更长些天数。以便GAP找到缺失的日志。 默认7天,1-365天范围。 记录的是归档日志,各种备份记录。 不记录数据文件,表空间,redo thread记录。除非被drop,否则不会重用这部分记录 started logmerger process Thu Mar 04 16:19:53 2021 Managed Standby Recovery not using Real Time Apply Parallel Media Recovery started with 16 slaves Waiting for all non-current ORLs to be archived... All non-current ORLs have been archived. Media Recovery Waiting for thread 4 sequence 148164 Fetching gap sequence in thread 4, gap sequence 148164-148165 Thu Mar 04 16:19:57 2021 Completed: alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session ---------- Thu Mar 04 16:21:50 2021 FAL[client]: Failed to request gap sequence GAP - thread 4 sequence 148164-148165 DBID 3828421454 branch 984679630 FAL[client]: All defined FAL servers have been attempted. ------------------------------------------------------------ Check that the CONTROL_FILE_RECORD_KEEP_TIME initialization parameter is defined to a value that's sufficiently large enough to maintain adequate log switch information to resolve archivelog gaps. ------------------------------------------------------------ Thu Mar 04 16:22:25 2021 RFS[18]: Selected log 29 for thread 4 sequence 149600 dbid -466545842 branch 984679630 Thu Mar 04 16:22:25 2021 1)找到当前的最小SCN 对比数据文件最后检查点的scn,数据文件头部检查点的scn,缺失归档的对应scn(下个日志文件第一个更改号),当前数据库的scn: select thread#,low_sequence#,high_sequence# from v$archive_gap; col datafile_scn for 999999999999999 col DATAFILE_HEADER_SCN for 999999999999999 col current_scn for 999999999999999 col next_change# for 999999999999999 select ( select min(d.checkpoint_change#) from v$datafile d ) datafile_scn , ( select min(d.checkpoint_change#) from v$datafile_header d where rownum=1) datafile_header_scn, (select current_scn from v$database) current_scn, (select next_change# from v$archived_log where sequence#=148164 and resetlogs_change# = (select d.resetlogs_change# from v$database d ) and rownum=1 ) next_change# from dual; DATAFILE_SCN DATAFILE_HEADER_SCN CURRENT_SCN NEXT_CHANGE# ---------------- ------------------- ---------------- ---------------- 16657544969028 16657544972060 16657544972059 取上面最小的scn作为增量备份的SCN 2)主库做SCN增量备份 停用备库的日志应用 alter database recover managed standby database cancel; rman备份 切换日志 切记备份当前控制文件 增量scn备份 run { allocate channel c1 device type disk; allocate channel c2 device type disk; allocate channel c3 device type disk; allocate channel c4 device type disk; allocate channel c5 device type disk; allocate channel c6 device type disk; CONFIGURE DEVICE TYPE DISK PARALLELISM 6 BACKUP TYPE TO BACKUPSET; backup as compressed backupset current controlfile for standby format '/home/oracle/backup/backup_ctl_%U.rman'; backup as compressed backupset incremental from scn 16657544969028 database format '/home/oracle/backup/backup_%d_%s_%c_%U_%T.rman' include current controlfile for standby filesperset 10 tag 'forsdb_16657544969028_0304'; release channel c1 ; release channel c2 ; release channel c3 ; release channel c4 ; release channel c5 ; release channel c6 ; 传输备份文件到备库 scp -rp /home/oracle/backup/backup host2:/home/oracle 介质恢复备库 查出控制文件的绝对目录位置,后停备库 启动到nomount 恢复控制文件 启动到mount 恢复数据文件 检查rman进展 select name from v$controlfile; shu immediate; startup nomount; rman target / <<eof restore standby controlfile from '/home/oracle/backup/backup_ctl_%U.rman'; alter database mount; eof 如果没有单独备份standby controlfile,就一个一个文件来测试恢复standby controflie restore standby controlfile to '/oradata/hisnewdb/control01.ctl' from '/home/oracle/backup/某个文件'; 如果文件太多,可以先rman注册文件后,再恢复控制文件。 要找开备库mount状态才能注册 rmant target / <<eof startup mount; catalog start with '/home/oracle/backup/'; list backup of controlfile; restore standby controlfile automatic; eof #大概是这样。restore standby controlfile automatic;如果不通,就采用上面list的信息,找到具体含有standby controflile的备份文件,再通过restore standby controfile from '';来恢复 。 catalog start with '/home/oracle/backup/'; recover database noredo; 查看rman的恢复进展: set line 9999 select sid,serial#,opname,round(sofar/totalwork*100) completed,trunc(elapsed_seconds/60) elapsed ,trunc(time_remaining/60) remaining,context ,target,sofar,totalwork from v$session_longops where opname like 'RMAN%' and opname not like '%aggregate%' and totalwork!=0 and sofar<>totalwork; 应用日志 检查standby redo files是否存在: select * from v$standby_log; 注册standby redolog files -- 添加单个文件: alter database add standby logfile group {组号} 'standby redo logs files 绝对目录文件'; -- 添加多个standby redologs file alter database add standby logfile group {组号} ('standby redo logs file 1','logfiles2'); 应用日志 alter database recover managed standby database cancel ; startup mount; alter database open read only; select open_mode,status,protection_level,protection_mode from v$database ; --前台应用日志 alter database recover managed standby database ; -- 8 parallel 后台应用日志 alter database recover managed standby database parallel 8 disconnect from session; 检查应用日志的情况 检查各个线程thread#的最大应用日志的序列,与主库进行对比。 select thread#,max(sequence#) from v$archived_log where applied='YES' group by thread#; (责任编辑:) |