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North Star Dental Laboratories

时间:2024-05-19 20:37来源: 作者:admin 点击: 83 次
Master Ceramist Jean Chiha uses Roland's DWX technology to mill anatomical copings, full contours, inlays, onlays and veneers.

Jean Chiha, master ceramist and founder of North Star Dental Laboratories in Santa Ana, Calif, was hesitant at first to invest in dental milling technology.  “I was skeptical that a machine could perform to my standards, but little by little, I understood that having a good dental mill is like having a very capable employee,” he said.

Highly respected in the industry, Chiha has served as president of Dental Lab Owners Association of California (DLOAC) since 2013.  He is a graduate of Institut Dento Technic in Aix-en-Provence France, and lectures internationally on dental communication, zirconia material and case planning.

“As a lab owner and ceramist, my standards are high for myself and for my milling equipment. The Roland DWX produces precisely what I need, when I need it – it’s like having another technician with my high standards working with me.”

Chiha explains that when choosing a milling system, dental technicians need to ask the right questions, such as:  Is this system reliable? And does it come with good support?   “It’s very important that your machines are well built, and that the manufacturer stands behind them,” he said. “You want to be able to rely on both for the long term.”

Chiha continues: “You also need to know exactly what you are going to do with your mill, so that you invest in the best solution.  For example, I needed a mill that can handle wax, PMMA and zirconia, and that is extremely precise and easy to use,” said Chiha. “My Roland DWX dental mill provides all these features and more.” 

Chiha uses his Roland DWX-50 5-axis dental milling system to precisely mill anatomical copings, full contours, inlays, onlays and even veneers. Chiha values that the DWX is easy to set up, needing only electrical connections, and is very compact. 

“As a lab owner and ceramist, my standards are high for myself and for my milling equipment. The Roland DWX produces precisely what I need, when I need it – it’s like having another technician with my high standards working with me,” he said.

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