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欧博Born to Wrap Workshop

时间:2025-01-12 15:05来源: 作者:admin 点击: 38 次
Vehicle graphics and wraps are more popular than ever and can be a great source of new revenues for your business. Learn everything you need to know t

Born to Wrap - Basics and Beyond

Born to Wrap - Basics and Beyond

Born to Wrap - Basics and Beyond

Born to Wrap - Basics and Beyond

During this two-day workshop, you will work side by side with the experts at Digital EFX Wraps learning first hand how to take a vehicle graphics job from design to installation. In addition to informative classroom sessions, you'll receive valuable hands on training and walk away with the knowledge and skills you need to get started.

Vehicle graphics and wraps are more popular than ever and can be a great source of new revenue for your business. Learn everything you need to know to get started in this two-day workshop, taught by the experts at Digital EFX Wraps. We'll show you the tools and techniques required and provide hands-on instruction in the proper way to apply digitally printed graphics. By the time you complete this course, you'll have all the skills you need to produce and install beautiful custom graphics and wraps.

What you will learn from this class

Vehicle wrap types including full and partial wraps

Important points of any vehicle graphic design

Job estimation and real-world costs

File setup and technical considerations to ensure quality graphics

Print/cut/laminate workflow

Vehicle preparation including surface preparation

Application techniques including complex curves, seams, handles and more

Wrap an entire vehicle from bumper to bumper

Expert finishing tips for success and durability

Hands-on graphic installation and removal

How this will help your business

Expand your business opportunities

Save time by learning the best practices of applying vehicle graphics

Separate yourself from competitors with flawless wrapping skills

Who should attend this course

Graphic designers

Production managers

Printer operators

Graphics installers

Shop owners / managers

Space is limited so sign up today!

Date & Time Price  

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