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欧博abgNews and Information for People Over 50

时间:2024-06-28 17:01来源: 作者:admin 点击: 90 次
Find news, advice, information, conversations and stories curated for people over 50 on Next Avenue. We are the only national public media journalism

Headshot of Frank Bruni. Next Avenue, The Age of Grievance

Frank Bruni Reflects on the Deepness of Our Political Divisions

Headshot of Frank Bruni. Next Avenue, The Age of Grievance

LivingIn his new book, 'The Age of Grievance,' the New York Times columnist considers the combativeness of our political discourse while offering hopeful solutions

By Bonnie Miller Rubin

Saving and Investing


A middle aged woman in her home office taking a look at her finances. Next Avenue, afford a long life


Can You Afford a Long Life?

Many retirees will live longer than they think, so they may be investing too conservatively

Saving and Investing

Books and Learning


A group of people smiling around a picnic table. Next Avenue,

Editor's Pick

The 40-Year Book Club

Wisdom from book club members on keeping it fun, being respectful and tackling the challenging reads

Books and Learning

Personal Perspectives


Exterior of a old station wagon. Next Avenue, used cars, buying a car

My 26-Year-Old New Car

Why I’m buying a used car from the last century and I couldn’t be happier

Personal Perspectives

A graphic that reads, "Advocates for Aging: 8 leaders who are redefining what it means to grow older."

Meet Next Avenue's 2024 Advocates for Aging

8 leaders tell their own stories, and talk about the opportunities older adults have to live better, healthier and more purposeful lives.

This year's class of Advocates includes Judy Woodruff, Carl Honoré, Bill McKibben, Mona Mourshed, DeLon Canterbury, Jan Golden, Fernando Torres-Gil and Rosanne Corcoran.

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