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Fleet Register

时间:2024-06-03 09:01来源: 作者:admin 点击: 104 次
DG MARE Fleet Register The EU Fleet Register is a database where all the fishing vessels flying the flag of an EU country have to be be regist


Fleet Register

The EU Fleet Register is a database where all the fishing vessels flying the flag of an EU country have to be be registered. Any changes in the status of a fishing vessel, for example if it has been scrapped, need to be registered by the member country in the Fleet Register.

The main objective of the Fleet Register is to enable any EU fishing vessel with key characteristics to be identified, with the aim of:

Monitoring the implementation of capacity management countries

Being a source of information for the officials of the European Commission and EU countries in charge of control and inspection

Serving as an accurate source of statistical data on the European fishing fleet

Serving as a reference database for vessels characteristics for other applications that manage information on fishing vessels

The data contained in the Fleet Register can be classified in three categories:

Administrative identifications Vessel name, registration port, external marking, Unique Vessel Identifier number (IMO number), International RadioCallSign, etc.

Technical characteristics Length, tonnage, power, fishing gear, etc.

Historical events Entry into and exit from the fleet, modifications of characteristics

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