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欧博官网New Undergraduate Office Venue to Provide Bett

时间:2024-09-24 17:29来源: 作者:admin 点击: 19 次
A party was held on 4 November 2016 in Room 408 to celebrate and inaugurate the grand opening of the Undergraduate Office’s new office. The C

A party was held on 4 November 2016 in Room 408 to celebrate and inaugurate the grand opening of the Undergraduate Office’s new office.

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School’s Undergraduate Office (UGO) has recently relocated to Room 408 on the fourth floor of the Cheng Yu Tung Building. With a trendy design, the new office provides more space for students to hang out, discuss project and hold small group meetings.

To celebrate the grand opening of the new office, the UG Get Together cum Undergraduate Office Housewarming party was held on 4 November  at the venue. A roasted pig cutting ceremony was hosted by the Dean Prof. Kalok Chan, associate dean of undergraduate studies Prof. Dennis Fan and other faculty members and administrative directors to inaugurate the new facility. In addition, a number of current undergraduate students also joined the party.

The UGO provides support to the school’s undergraduates and is responsible for matters pertaining to students’ academic achievement and personal enrichment.

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