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英文 中的 开户, 翻译, 例句, 中文

时间:2024-08-09 17:02来源: 作者:admin 点击: 89 次
英文中“开户"的热门翻译:to open an account (bank etc).查看例句, 发音、 语法和图片词典。

二) 开户银行与设保人和有担保债权人订立了控制权协议,并以经认证的记录为证,根据该协议,开户银行同意在银行账户贷记款的支付方面遵照有担保债权人的指示而无需设保人另行同意;或

ii) If the depositary bank has concluded a control agreement evidenced by an authenticated record with the grantor and the secured creditor, according to which the depositary bank has agreed to follow instructions from the secured creditor with respect to the payment of funds credited to the bank account without further consent of the grantor; or



She stated that, even though for some Permanent Missions having a bank in New York was of critical importance, Washington First Bank, located in Washington, D.C., was a viable option, as it could provide services such as checking accounts, electronic banking, debit cards and automated teller machine (ATM) service.



Security rights in intangible assets generally involve third parties such as, for example, the debtor of a receivable, an obligor under a negotiable instrument, the depositary bank, the guarantor/issuer, confirmer or nominated person in an independent undertaking or the issuer of a negotiable document.



Paragraph 4 is intended to protect a depositary bank from the obligation of having to pay against its consent without a decision by a court or other authority.



It was agreed that the recommendation should contain two alternatives, the law governing the account agreement and the law of the location of the depositary bank which had the closest connection to the bank account



If a different rule were adopted, depositary banks would be reluctant to enter into any control agreements and, in any case, a secured creditor could obtain a subordination agreement from the bank before deciding to extend credit.



The law should provide that the law applicable to the creation, third-party effectiveness, priority and enforcement of a security right in a right to payment of funds credited to a bank account, as well as rights and duties of the depositary bank with respect to the security right, is



[Note to the Working Group: The Working Group may wish to note that the commentary will explain that recommendations 120 and 121 are supplemented by recommendations 92 and 93 (to the extent that there is a priority conflict between a security right or right of set-off of the depositary bank and a security right of another person), as well as recommendations 165-167 (enforcement of a security right in a right to payment of funds credited to a bank account).



Automatically upon the creation of a security right if the depositary bank is the secured creditor;



If the depositary bank has concluded a control agreement evidenced by an authenticated record with the grantor and the secured creditor, according to which the depositary bank has agreed to follow instructions from the secured creditor with respect to the payment of funds credited to the bank account without further consent of the grantor; or



Iraq’s goal in advocating the sharing of the banking activities relating to the memorandum of understanding is to utilize its funds in accordance with professionally sound banking practices and the notion that the banking activities performed by the bank holding the account should be divided between it and others so that none of Iraq’s rights with respect to its resources are forfeited and the country is not burdened with unfair costs.



In States in which the security right in a right to payment of funds credited to a bank account is made effective against third parties by registration of a notice in a public registry or by acknowledgment on the part of the depositary bank, the notice or acknowledgement may or may not impose duties on the depositary bank to follow instructions from the secured creditor as to the funds in the account.


证券 公司 的 证券 自营 账户, 应当 自 开户 之日 起 三个 交易日 内 报 证券 交易所 备案

Self-run securities accounts of the securities firm should be submitted to the stock exchange for filing within # trading days of account opening



The depositary bank does not enjoy any special priority status in its capacity as a secured creditor (although it typically has a right under other law to set off any claims it has against the grantor against a demand for payment by a prior ranking secured creditor and this normally means that it has a de facto priority).



The law should provide that a security right in a right to payment of funds credited to a bank account is effective notwithstanding an agreement between the grantor and the depositary bank limiting in any way the grantor’s right to create such a security right.


但是,记得突尼斯关于安全理事会第 # 号决议执行情况的报告曾解释说,接受这些存款的帐户已经有开户人的所有资料,无论其为自然人还是法人。

It should, however, be recalled in this regard, as was explained in Tunisia's report on the implementation of Security Council resolution # that the accounts that will receive these deposits already comprise all data concerning the holders, whether they be natural persons or artificial persons



If a depositary bank concludes control agreements with more than one secured creditor, priority among those secured creditors is determined according to the order in which the control agreements are concluded



Copies of the documents shall be required only at the time of the first transaction or when accounts are opened.



Finally, the depositary bank is subject to reputational risk in choosing the customers with which it agrees to enter into transactions.



A fourth type of conflict is one between a security right in a right to payment of funds credited to a bank account and any rights of set-off the depositary bank might have against the grantor-client


一些国家规定,新义务或义务变更须经开户银行同意。 这些国家的经验表明,当事人通常能够通过谈判作出满意的安排,从而使开户银行能够放心地根据交易性质和银行客户对所涉及的风险进行管理。

The experience in those States where the depositary bank's consent to new or changed duties is required suggests that the parties are often able to negotiate satisfactory arrangements so that the depositary bank is comfortable that it is managing the risks involved given the nature of the transaction and the bank's customer



The Team also learned that ABSA, through its subsidiary AllPay, enables some two million people in 10 provinces where the bank has no presence to open and service accounts without having to go to a branch, and to access their money remotely through mobile automated teller machines.



As for secured creditors and assignees that take security in the right to payment of the funds in the account, the Guide recommends that priority be given to a secured creditor that achieves third-party effectiveness by control and to the depository bank’s right of set off (see A/CN.9/631, recommendations 101-102).



While the effect of a control agreement is to render a security right effective against third parties (see art. 16), its purpose is to ensure the cooperation of the depositary bank or the issuer in the enforcement of a security right.



It was also said that bank secrecy was not an issue since borrowers were prepared to give lenders copies of the bank account agreements so as to obtain credit on the basis of those agreements, and often lenders would obtain a control agreement with the consent of the depositary bank

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